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Terms of Use


The website www.archeryshop.gr is an e-commerce store for the sale of products and services via the internet (hereinafter referred to as an online store or website) created and operated by the company named TZIMI KONSTANTINA, located at L. Petmeza 1, Kastelokambos, 26442 and is lawfully represented, with a VAT 073516469, C’ Patras Public Fiscal Service, electronic contact address: info@archeryshop.gr, e-shop service telephone lines: +306945959600 and +306978380007. The following terms and conditions will apply to the use of the e-shop under the brand name archeryshop.gr which is located at www.archeryshop.gr. Any user who enters and trades or makes use of the e-shop services (hereinafter referred to as "visitor" and/or "user" or "customer" depending on whether it is limited to visiting only the store or commissioning and selling products and services) is deemed to consent and accept unconditionally the following terms herewith without exception. If a user does not agree with these terms, he/she should refrain from the visit, use of the site as well as any transaction or use of any of the e-shop services.


General terms

ArcheryShop reserves the right to modify or freely revise the terms and conditions of use and transactions from the online store whenever it deems it necessary, and is responsible to inform consumers of any change through the web-page of this e-shop. Contracts through the online store are compiled in the Greek language.


Information & Products Provided

ArcheryShop is committed to the accuracy and completeness of the information provided in the online store in terms of the identity of archeryshop.gr and the transactions provided through the online store. The company, in good faith, is not responsible for and is not bound by electronic data entries made by error or omission in common experience and is entitled to correct them whenever it perceives their existence.


Limitation of Liability

ArcheryShop is not responsible and is not liable for any damage or damage arising from the cancellation of orders, from non-execution or from delay of execution, for any reason. The online store provides the content (i.e. information, names, pictures, illustrations), the products and the services available through the site "exactly as they are". Never and in any case will archeryshop.gr be liable civilly or legitimately for any damages (whether positive, special or repossessive, which indicatively, but not limiting, alternatively and/or cumulatively, consists of loss of profits, data, lost profits, pecuniary satisfaction, etc.). that a visitor of the e-shop or a third party may experience due to a cause or service related to the operation and/or use of the website and/or inability to provide services and/or products and/or information made available by him/her and/or do not allow it any third party interventions in products and/or services and/or information made available through it.


Intellectual property rights

All content of the online store, including badges, signs, images, graphics, photographs, drawings, texts, etc. is the intellectual property of archeryshop.gr and is protected by the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions or is the intellectual property of third parties for which archeryshop.gr is licensed for its own exclusive needs and for operation of the online store. Any copying, transfer or creation of derivative work based on this content or misleading the public about the real e-shop provider is prohibited. Reproduction, retransmission, uploading, communication, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the content in any way or medium for commercial or any other purpose is permitted only with the prior written consent of archeryshop.gr or any other copyright holder. The names, images, logos and distinctive features listed and described by the online store under the trademark archeryshop.gr or the products or services of archeryshop.gr or third parties are assets of archeryshop.gr or third parties respectively, protected by the relevant trademark laws. Their use in the online store does not in any way give them permission or right to use them by third parties.


Privacy-Personal data protection

ArcheryShop has created this website with the sole purpose of serving its customers. The archeryshop.gr website is simple and user-friendly while being designed to meet the specific needs of each user. In order to achieve your best service, it is important for you, our customer, to understand that you must provide us with specific information, reserved only for our use, regarding the handling of your order.

This Privacy Statement and the attached Terms and Conditions of this website describe the method of collecting data from the archeryshop.gr website, the use of such data by us and the terms and conditions of use of this website. This Privacy Statement refers only to your personal data that you provide us during your orders on this website.



The information provided voluntarily by the users of the mentioned website is used by archeryshop.gr, so that its users can have direct and effective contact with the store, to be provided with answers to specific questions that they ask and finally to be served and their order to be executed. The information that archeryshop.gr collects through its website is for the purpose to measure visitor traffic, define customer requirements and to facilitate engagement with the company. Archeryshop.gr does not distribute to any other organization or partner that is not affiliated with archeryshop.gr the e-mail, addresses, or any other information regarding its users and customers.


Collection of information

ArcheryShop designed its website so that its users can visit without having to reveal their identity unless they wish. Visitors to our site are asked to provide us with their personal data only if they want to order one or more products, subscribe to our site and/or send email to archeryshop.gr.



The products available for sale, their features, prices and available inventory are available at www.archeryshop.gr and are accessible to all. Users can search for more product information by clicking on any product icon.

ArcheryShop guarantees timely information to customers about the availability or non-availability of products, but does not bear any responsibility for their availability.

ArcheryShop makes every effort to provide all the required information about the product (technical specifications, prices, etc.). However, in order to limit any mistakes, we would recommend that you contact us, before you complete your purchase, in case the price or any other product characteristic seems beyond the ordinary and reasonable.




The products are shipped through the ELTA door-to-door courier.


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